
The Truth is Out There

杰克  Goembel

Class of 2023 • Baltimore, Maryland
他主修生物学,辅修心理学和化学,杰克·戈贝尔23岁 has embraced the liberal arts experience wholeheartedly. With a range of diverse interests, 杰克决定将他的体验式学习提升到一个由教师主导的新水平 旅行 to Cuba in January 2023.


每年一月为九州娱乐官网的学生提供无与伦比的体验 古巴经验是一个千载难逢的机会,学生访问古巴和 对哈瓦那的文化、音乐、宗教和食物进行现实世界的研究. 在两名WC教员的带领下,古巴体验为学生提供了追求的机会 academic and passion projects alike.

为了充分利用这个研究机会,杰克开始集思广益 在研究古巴人对外星人的看法之前,研究思想和方法 这是一个名为“马克思主义和火星人:比较对外星人的看法”的项目 Life Between Two Generations of Cuban Nationals in Havana”.

“一开始,我尝试了很多研究思路,包括使用调查和激励措施 为了弄清楚人们公开宣称的道德体系的合法性,采访精神病医生 找出他们在不同地域的做法的差异,并确定其政治意义 信仰会影响人们对外星生命的看法……我对这种关系很着迷 在经济哲学和对外星生命的看法之间,所以古巴[是] 一个社会主义国家,更重要的是,一个有着不同经济信仰的国家 这意味着我可能会对这种关系有一些有趣的见解 体现.”

已获批准为迎合协会拨款,并成功完成IRB程序, 杰克继续假设人们对外星生命的看法存在差异 among Cuban generations. “My hypothesis was that younger Cubans, who are more influenced 美国媒体和现代古巴动荡不安的状态,会持悲观态度 对先进外星文明的看法,认为他们是恶意的殖民者. 另一方面,我预料到受革命理想影响的老一辈古巴人 以及他们在古巴长大的经历,都会有更乐观的看法 on the nature of advanced alien civilizations and prospects for first contact. 这 这个假设部分基于苏联科幻小说和阿根廷的乌托邦趋势 托洛斯基分子J. Posadas' beliefs that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations must be 共产主义.”

利用当地翻译团队,招募了8名参与者 来自两个年龄段的人——在古巴革命时期长大的人,以及在古巴革命时期长大的人 who experienced modern Cuba. From there, 20-minute interviews and demographic surveys 是在他做了大量准备工作的帮助下进行的 旅行.

“Preparation is key! Reading up on Cuban history as part of the course helped contextualize a lot of the differences I saw in participants’ responses. It also meant I asked the right questions in the right order. For example, starting with easier, more frivolous 在讨论政治问题之前提出问题是建立融洽关系的好方法 and have participants more open to sharing their opinions. If I hadn’t done background research to on Cuba’s society, history, and relationship with the U.S.,答案 I got wouldn’t have been as insightful.”

在收集了数据并探索了哈瓦那所能提供的一切之后,很快就到了 杰克通过对面试的直接语境分析来分析和解释结果 transcripts and demographic surveys; “Younger Cubans displayed a more pessimistic 对外星文明的看法,并表明受美国的影响更大 媒体. They expected violent first contact and imagined extraterrestrial societies 随着资本主义. Some even expressed explicit anti-socialist views. 相比之下,老年人 Cubans held a positive view of advanced alien societies, reportedly influenced by 他们童年的个人经历和古巴革命的价值观.”

在他的项目完成后,杰克在卡特协会展示了他的发现 在找到他的时间和经验后,在2023年2月的开放日取得了巨大的成功 在古巴的经历极大地丰富了他的本科经历,称其为“没有” a doubt, the coolest project I’ve ever done.”

毕业后,杰克将申请医学院,目标是 becoming a psychiatrist or primary care provider; “We’ll see where things go – if 我在WAC的经历教会了我很多东西,那就是你永远不知道方向是什么 new experiences might take you.

进一步探索古巴体验和其他体验式学习提供这里 在WC,结帐 WC’s 出国留学 program.  

杰克's poster presentation of "马克思主义与火星人:比较哈瓦那两代古巴人对外星生活的看法"

杰克's Four Year Plan


最喜欢的课程  ART-235, Art in the 人类世 - Dr. Marteel Parrish and Dr. 希瑟·哈维

杰克在WC的第一年最喜欢的课是一门动手美术课,艺术在校园 人类世. Focusing on environmentally-forward work, "the content was fascinating (both the art side and the chemistry side). The assignments, which revolved around creating chemically sustainable artwork, were super creative and open-ended. 每一个 student made something unique, and class critiques were respectful and fun."


九州娱乐官网Extracurriculars + More

在他的第二年,杰克专注于他的课程,虽然不是没有留下 参与他在参议院的角色,同时改善他在模拟审判和移动方面的工作 into the position on Treasurer. 


期待 实习 & 研究 

During his third year, 杰克 began working on EEG research with Dr. Weil and participated 在肯特县成人医疗日托中心实习,在 Kent County Vaccination Clinic. He also continued his work with Mock Trial, with the club winning awards at Regionals and gaining 杰克 as their VP. He also was elected into the role of Chair of the Environmental Committee of Senate. 在他的第三次 第四年,杰克在马里兰州获得了护理援助证书. 


前进 南加州爱迪生公司 & 除了

在他的高级顶点经历中,杰克“写了一本关于进化的科学专著 history of feathers, with an emphasis on their role as display organs prior to the evolution of avian flight. It involved looking at a bunch of cool studies on fossil dinosaurs and pterosaurs with feather imprints, plus analysis of their prehistoric coloration based on preserved microscopic organelles called melanosomes.”后 毕业后,他将申请20所医学院,并利用间隔年继续深造 his work as a safety companion, possibly at Kennedy Krieger. Following medical school and residency, 杰克 plans to work as a psychiatrist in a rural hospital.